Yesterday I was quickly reminded by Grant and Grace that I had not photographed them in a while. Was this their sweet way to help Mommy create memories that she would cherish for her lifetime??? Likely, but even more likely is the fact that I had two jealous five year olds on my hands after taking their younger brothers out for a quick shoot two days before. I had decided that the bathroom project would get done much faster if I took four kids out of the house, so we planned a day again at the Seminary. First we had

to make a stop at the store to purchase a new shirt for Grant because he is all to keenly aware that Grace had a new dress to wear for this special occasion. My goal was to get something a little rock and roll for him, as we just got his hair cut into a fauxhawk.
(Similar to a mohawk, except traditional enough to spare the grandparents and out and out heart attack) We looked real quick at the store and we could only find one shirt that seemed to fit the part, and to my dismay, no studded bracelets or necklaces, but we still managed to leave store with one seemingly happy five year old boy. Once home we started packing for our afternoon excursion. Grant pays such close attention to what is going on that he noticed that I was matching Liam and Maddox to what they were wearing, which in turn brought on the questions of how many pictures I planned on taking of the two of them. I was repeatedly reminded all the way to the Seminary that they had already had photos taken, so I had to repeatedly tell him that this shoot was for them, about them and I only dressed Liam and Maddox to make them feel better. Shoot, I was so convincing that by the

time we arrived at our location I had seriously began to wonder if I even wanted Liam and Maddox there. Poor little guys, they at least seemed to fair pretty well with little or

no emotional trauma from our conversation. As soon as we got into the secret garden (AKA courtyard), my two divas went to work at throwing some of the funniest expressions my way. I must really be neglecting them with my camera lately because they were so excited to goof off for me. As you can see in the pics, Grant was very into the "blue steel" look yesterday. I couldn't help but laugh at my little stud. Grace, however, has was her goofy self. What a great afternoon.....oh, and I didn't even have to call on the M&Ms!